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dc.contributor.authorKanu, Bai Santigie
dc.description.abstractSince the second wave of democratization that swept across the African content in the 1990s, democratic good governance become the preferred choice of governance in many countries including Sierra Leone a post-conflict nation. This system of governance enjoys national and international legitimacy as citizens' democratic participation is crucial to their functionality. The media are among the forces that coalesced with civil society to shape and continue to define this unprecedented transformation and establishment of democracy in Africa. Thus, this thesis intends to assess the influence of radio broadcasting in enhancing citizens' democratic participation in the democratization process of post-war Sierra Leone. Using a qualitative approach and methods, this study analyzed how four major leading radio broadcast news and current affairs flagship programs create an independent arena for democratic discourse in the country. It also provides a critical analysis of how media policies and regulations influence the function of radio broadcasting for democratic deepening in the post-conflict nation. The major findings show that radio broadcasting has enhanced citizens' democratic participation and that radio is a public sphere that facilitates and creates an atmosphere for people to participate fearlessly in debates and discussions on issues of common concern at the local and national levels of society. The thesis concludes that radio broadcasting creates an arena for citizens of all categories to participate in democratic discussions on socioeconomic, political, and governance issues and that the reformation of media laws, policies, and regulations after the war created the enabling environment for the media to thrive. It facilitates the public sphere for citizens’ political participation and democratic deepening. The legal and regulatory environment guarantees and protects freedom of expression and press freedom in Sierra Leone. Key words. Democratic Participation, radio broadcasting, public sphere, democracyen_US
dc.titleMedia and democratic participation: An assessment of the influence of radio broadcasting on citizens' democratic participation in post-war Sierra Leoneen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Medievitenskap og journalistikk: 310en_US

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