Mastergradsoppgaver - Interkulturelle studier
Nye registreringer
Welcome to the party: Immigrant's experiences in political parties in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)In Norway, like in the rest of Europe and the Western liberal democracies, immigration is a contentious issue of social, political, cultural, and economic discussions. Social and economic integration has been the main focus ... -
Navigating social integration at university: Lived experiences of South Asian students in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Globally, migration for higher education is a common phenomenon. South Asian students also dream of getting a better education abroad and living a quality life. While living in a new place, many international students face ... -
Getting the right job: A qualitative analysis of highly-skilled refugees' integration into the Norwegian labour market
(Master thesis, 2023)Despite the numerous efforts by the Norwegian government to ensure that refugees are fully integrated into the Norwegian labour market, highly-skilled refugees still face many challenges in their job search. This study is ... -
Racialization and sexualization of women of color : the experiences of women of color in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)This study aims to research how women of color experience racialization and sexualization. The dissertation is a qualitative study that is based on empirical material that has been collected through semi-structured interviews. ... -
Work-life ambiguities, guilt and belonging among Nepalese in Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this study is to examine how Nepalese immigrants adapt to life in the Norwegian labor sector. In other words, the aim of this study was to explore how Nepali immigrants in Norway experience the process of ... -
The magic of co-production in the making of a Norwegian recovery college : a qualitative case study
(Master thesis, 2019)Background. This thesis is a qualitative case study of a recovery college project in a Norwegian municipality and places itself within the field of intercultural studies and particularly within the area of intercultural ... -
Luchadoras : hvordan kvinner wrestler med sin egen kjønnsidentitet i Bolivia
(Master thesis, 2020)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å undersøke hva som kjennetegner kjønnsidentitet for kvinner i Bolivia, og om eventuelle endringer avgrenset til Evo Morales sin presidentperiode fra 2006 til 2019. Forskningsprosjektet ... -
Friendship and social life in Norway : an ethnographic study of Spanish migrants living in Bergen
(Master thesis, 2020)Life is a constantly evolving journey. We are a different version of who we used to be. As we gain new insights and perspectives, our identities are shaped by our actions and interactions with other people. Migrants ... -
Tilpasning til samfunnet for innvandrere i introduksjonsprogrammet : hvordan tilpasser innvandrere i introduksjonsprogrammet seg til det norske samfunnet i integreringsprosessen, og hvilke maktdimensjoner utspilles i introduksjonsprogrammets kontekster?
(Master thesis, 2019)Tema: Tema for avhandlingen er hvordan innvandrere tilpasser seg samfunnet i en integreringsprosess. Dette blir belyst gjennom opplevelsene innvandrerne har av å etablere kontakt med nordmenn, hvordan de forsøker å tilpasse ... -
Flerkulturelle kvinner i ledende posisjoner : hvordan klarer flerkulturelle kvinner i ledende posisjoner å overvinne både kjønnsbarrierer og de hindringene innvandrere ofte møter i det norske arbeidsmarkedet og arbeidslivet?
(Master thesis, 2018)Metode: Denne studien er basert på feltarbeid gjennomført i Bergen ved brukt av kvalitativ forskningsmetode. Studiet har fokus på kvinner fra ikke-vestlig land i ledende posisjoner, både i offentlig og privat sektor. Data ... -
Å danne en mosaikk : integrasjonsprosessen blant kristne eritreisk-norske kvinner med flyktningbakgrunn i Norge
(Master thesis, 2017)Denne masteravhandlingen fokuserer på integrasjonsprosessen blant eritreisk-norske kvinner med flyktningbakgrunn i Norge, og hva deres kristne tro betyr for integreringen. Dette gjøres ved hjelp av en kvalitativ ...