Nye registreringer
Pathway Analysis of the Dynamics of Teacher Educators’ Professional Digital Competence
(Chapter, 2024)Institutions offering teacher education have generally been criticized for giving pre-service teachers an insufficient education regarding the pedagogical use of digital technology. In this study we investigate the dynamics ... -
Learning Analytics Based on Streamed Log Data from a Course in Logic
(Peer reviewed; Book chapter, 2023)This paper describes the analysis of streamed log data generated from the use of two specific e-learning tools in the context of a basic logic course taught and evaluated at Aalborg University, Denmark, during the period ... -
Hand i hand med leiken. Barnehagelæraren som leikande profesjonsutøvar
(Chapter, 2024) -
3. Progresjon – mellom barnesentrering og utvikling?
(Chapter, 2023) -
Barn,unge og rasisme: Kritisk raseteori som utgangspunkt for utvikling av antirasistisk kompetanse i utdanning og idrett
(Chapter, 2023)Mange barn og unges første møter med rasisme eller etnisk diskriminering skjer enten i utdannings- eller fritidssammenheng, som organisert idrett. Under Black Lives Matter-demonstrasjonene i Norge sommeren og høsten 2020 ... -
Ledelsens rolle for utvikling av inkluderende praksis : en case-studie
(Chapter, 2023) -
Unpacking the tensions in the Legal Regulation of Online Hate-Speech within the Norwegian Context
(Chapter, 2023)Recent research shows that online hate-speech is on the rise in western societies, including in Norway. This submission builds on a broader 4-year research initiative on: “Violence-inducing Behavior Prevention in Social-Cyber ... -
Affordances and constraints of the Dragonbox School teaching material
(Chapter, 2022)The aim of this paper is to analyze the affordances and constraints of the way dynamic representations are used in the digital learning lab 'The set line' from the Dragonbox School teaching material. The learning lab is ... -
Tilrettelegging for trivsel. Mangfold i det norske klasserommet
(Chapter, 2020) -
Kvalitetsfremmende praksis i arbeidet med de grunnleggende ferdighetene
(Chapter, 2020) -
Historiebevissthet - "allt och inget"
(Chapter, 2020)